Best Plants to Grow in Winter

Best Plants to Grow in Winter

Winter can be a challenging time for gardening, but there are several hardy plants that thrive even in colder conditions. Whether you’re looking to brighten up your garden or grow fresh produce during the winter months, these plants are well-suited to handle the chill.

Best Plants to Grow in Winter
Best Plants to Grow in Winter

Choose Hardy Winter Vegetables

1. Kale

  • Description: Kale is a nutrient-dense leafy green that actually becomes sweeter after frost.
  • Growing Tips: Plant in well-draining soil and provide a sunny spot. Kale is hardy and can withstand temperatures as low as 20°F (-6°C).

2. Brussels Sprouts

  • Description: Brussels sprouts develop a rich flavor after exposure to cold weather.
  • Growing Tips: Space plants about 18 inches apart and harvest when the sprouts are firm and about 1 inch in diameter. They grow well in temperatures as low as 20°F (-6°C).

3. Spinach

  • Description: Spinach is a cold-tolerant leafy green that thrives in winter.
  • Growing Tips: Plant spinach in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Spinach can survive temperatures down to 20°F (-6°C) and continues to produce fresh leaves throughout winter.

Opt for Winter-Resilient Herbs

4. Parsley

  • Description: Parsley is a hardy herb that can survive winter temperatures.
  • Growing Tips: Grow parsley in well-draining soil and provide some protection from harsh winds. Parsley can endure temperatures as low as 10°F (-12°C) with proper cover.

5. Thyme

  • Description: Thyme is a hardy herb that remains flavorful even in winter.
  • Growing Tips: Plant thyme in well-drained soil and ensure it gets full sun. Thyme is resilient and can tolerate frost and cold temperatures.

6. Chives

  • Description: Chives are a hardy herb that can continue to grow in winter.
  • Growing Tips: Plant chives in a sunny spot and keep the soil moist but not soggy. They can survive winter temperatures down to 20°F (-6°C) with minimal protection.

Select Winter-Flowering Plants

7. Hellebores

  • Description: Hellebores, also known as Christmas roses, bloom in winter and early spring.
  • Growing Tips: Plant in shaded or partially shaded areas with well-draining soil. They can withstand cold temperatures and add color to the winter garden.

8. Winter Jasmine

  • Description: Winter jasmine produces bright yellow flowers in late winter.
  • Growing Tips: Plant in a sunny or partially shaded spot with well-drained soil. Winter jasmine can tolerate cold temperatures and adds a splash of color to your garden.

Grow Winter-Suited Fruits

9. Winter Apples

  • Description: Certain apple varieties, like Fuji or Granny Smith, are ideal for winter harvest.
  • Growing Tips: Plant apple trees in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Winter apples can be harvested after the first frost and stored through the winter months.

10. Pomegranates

  • Description: Pomegranate trees are hardy and can survive in winter climates.
  • Growing Tips: Grow pomegranates in well-drained soil and provide some winter protection. They can handle cold temperatures with proper care and can produce fruit in winter.

Consider Winter Cover Crops

11. Clover

  • Description: Clover is used as a cover crop to enrich soil and prevent erosion during winter.
  • Growing Tips: Plant clover in fall and let it grow through winter. It helps fix nitrogen in the soil, improving its fertility for the spring planting season.

12. Winter Rye

  • Description: Winter rye is a robust cover crop that thrives in cold weather.
  • Growing Tips: Sow winter rye in the fall before the first frost. It provides excellent soil protection and organic matter for spring planting.


Growing plants in winter requires selecting hardy varieties that can withstand colder temperatures and lower light conditions. Vegetables like kale, Brussels sprouts, and spinach, herbs like parsley and thyme, and winter-flowering plants such as hellebores and winter jasmine are excellent choices. By choosing the right plants and providing appropriate care, you can enjoy a vibrant and productive garden even during the colder months.